Saturday, March 26, 2011

My own home made Bruschetta


Last night I bought a baguette thinkin it would be nice to eat it with butter. Surprisingly this morning my maid made it to a bruschetta.
So this is it..

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Baru liat kan mahasiswa bkin paper di kampus bawa printer sendiri dr rumah..

Mo kerjain bkin paper biasa mahasiswa paling bawa laptop atau flashdisk. Yg ini ga tanggung2 bawa printer dr rumah...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It's a sleepy day

So, its quite a long time since my last post...
Yeah, kinda busy lately (unfortunately not for important thing, LOL)
Lately I got lack of sleep, and you know what, I got a cough since like 2 weeks. I don't drink any cough syrup and I hope it's going to be better but it's not. This cough so annoying.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Here the TokyoFlash!

I got it yesterday from my mom..

Thanks mom!