Monday, October 31, 2011

"Real Steel" Ordinary movie with good value. [MOVIE REVIEW]


So, this movie is about our world in the future. In this movie where the setting time and place is at USA in 2020. In 2020 there's a happening sport just like a wrestling or boxing nowadays, but the difference is the contestants isn't human being, its robot. For the graphics things don’t expect a fantastic effect from Transformer in this movie, Real Steel wouldn’t indulge your eyes with all of that stuff. It’s kinda junkie setting which presented in this 2 hours movie.

Well, if you see the fighting scene when the robots try to destroy each other, it's definitely exploit violence so badly. But there are many decent values from this movie, such as a beautiful relationship bond between father and son, which have lost almost for 11 years. The awesome thing is, how an eleven years old boy having faith and believes in something, even it's something that all the people thinks it's an impossible things but the boy persistent in his faith. When all the people underestimate a weak and "nothing" things, but if you really having faith and believe you will make it something extraordinary and be beyond your expectations.

The message: Never give up on something, even everyone around you refuse and doubt your belief. Make it happen!

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