Saturday, February 26, 2011

This is what I got from accompanying two mistress shopping in two days

So, this is the carrots...

This is what I got from accompanying two mistress shopping in two days...

Hope I can get the prize from one of this carrots...

Wish me luck!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Plastic Waist Clip by Spyderbilt

So, this is the plastic belt huh?

I bought it at PlanetSurf Taman Anggrek, it come with various color such as white, green, red, etc.

I choose for the red one.. (Red One!! Konvict! Gaga...) #nyambungajah

It looks and feels like croc's materials...

Supposedly it come with a cheap price, coz the material is just a plastic (and I guess it come from a used tire that have been recycled)


So this is it, the belt...

Info Plastic Waist Clip:

Pemanasan global dengan segala macam problematikanya merupakan ‘santapan’ kita sehari-hari. Akhirnya berbagai usaha untuk berinovasi dalam memproduksi produk ramah lingkungan telah pula menjadi keharusan di masa sekarang, tidak terkecuali dalam ranah fashion.

Salah satu inovasi telah dilakukan oleh Spyderbilt. Brand, yang ‘bermain’ dalam casual style ini telah meluncurkan Spyderbilt Colorful Belt. Yang istimewa dari koleksi baru ini adalah bahan dasarnya yang menggunakan biodegradable plastic. Terbuat dari bahan natural, sehingga kelak jika sudah tak digunakan dan dibuang ke alam, maka akan terdegradasi secara aman dan menyatu dengan lingkungan.

Tersedia dalam dua tipe, “Lotte Men” untuk unisex dan “Lollies Ladies” untuk women, belt ini siap menyemarakkan gaya Anda. Terlebih karena hadir dalam sepuluh warna pilihan untuk tipe unisex dan tiga belas warna untuk women collectionBuckle clip-nya dapat dengan mudah dibuka dan dipasang kembali, sehingga Anda bisa mengganti warna sesuai selera. Selain itu, karena bahan plastiknya ini, Spyderbilt Colorful Belt akan senantiasa dalam kondisi prima sekalipun telah digunakan beberapa kali.

Belt ramah lingkungan ini telah menjadi produk incaran di beberapa negara, seperti Hong Kong, Thailand, dan Singapura. Kini giliran Anda untuk memilikinya sekaligus turut menjaga kelestarian alam sekitar.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Got a bottle of vodka and pitcher of heineken. Which one di you prefer?

Which one?

Got bottle of Vodka and pitcher of Heineken. Which one do you prefer?

Kalo hang out dah pasti ujung2 nya minum..

So, we got a bottle of vodka mix max and a pitcher of beer.

Which one do you prefer?

For me it's better vodka rather than beers. You know beers pump up your belly. That's why I rarely drink beers.

Keep in shape dude.. ;-)

Sour Sally New Flavour Promotion, Choco Nutty.

Sour sally got a new flavour and they give a promotion for BCA credit card holder "buy 1 get 1 free for new flavour"

But for taste, it isn't really good..
Maybe coz I knew that yoghurt must be sour not sweet like chocolate..

Live Report from Grand Opening Living World Alam Sutera (outside look)

Here is how it's looks like from outside...

Sekilas pemandangan Living World dari luar mengingatkan gw akan pusat-pusat perbelanjaan megah di Orchard Road, Singapore yg khas dengan gemerlapnya lampu LED yg menghiasi dinding-dinding bangunan.

Live Report from Grand Opening Living World Alam Sutera (Session 2)

Here the session 2...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Live report from Grand Opening Living World Alam Sutera (session 1)

First impression when I arrive here was crowded..
Here take s glance how's here...

Kue Jadoel

It named Roti Gambang...
A rare kinda bread..

Momma Needs A Shave

Ini adalah foto keluarga yang paling menyeramkan deh kyknya...

Momma need a shave for sure...

You get what you pay...



You get what you pay??

Ada yang mau pake ini? Kalo ke mall kan lumayan, kalo mo bayar tinggal gw angkat trus gw gesek.. (apaan yg digesek??).

Garbage only, NO TRASH!

epic fail photos - Garbage Sign FAIL<br />see more funny videos



So what do you mean with that?

Let me guess, trash is more smelly than garbage?

Today is Grand Opening Living World Alam Sutra. I got to go there to see what they got there.

Today is Grand Opening Living World Alam Sutra. I got to go there to see what they got there.Today is Grand Opening Living World Alam Sutra. I got to go there to see what they got there..


Today is Grand Opening Living World Alam Sutra. I got to go there to see what they got there..

Beautiful morning without exam. Yeay!

What a beautiful morning when you are wake up without any thought about exam...